Tik Tok On The Clock, No The Party Doesn't Stop!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Euthanasia... ...

I finally understood why people agreed to euthanasia.
The pain is excruciating when you have some kind of illness. You feel like you're just want to end this suffering now. Well, life is a suffering, right. There are ups and downs in life. But this kind of pain is really agonizing. Those patients with stomach or spleen cancer, i really sympathize with them. I just felt the pain they had went through today, it was like, Oh My God, just kill me. The pain was so terrible that i teared up. Oh My God! I wonder how will those people suffering from such agonizing pain just, well, move on? Hmmm..... I suffered the pain only for a few hours, but how about them? They suffer months or years of pain without giving up. I really feel like taking my hat off to those patients. Euthanasia is the only way out to end their pain. Painkillers may work, but only a short period of time. There's still a period of time before they recover, or maybe they won't. Suffering enough pain and misery, they would just feel like dieing, feel like it's the end of the world. Haiizz.... This world........ May all beings be well and happy..... :P


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