Tik Tok On The Clock, No The Party Doesn't Stop!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

There you go, have a KARMA!

There are many interpretations about karma....
I asked one of my friend,"What is karma?"
Well, he replied and said,"When you do good things, you'll have good luck. When you do bad things, you'll have bad luck befalling you."
Well, "karma" this word wasn't just mentioned by me and my friends but also my teacher, Mrs. Lo. She said that "Karma" is "What goes around, comes around". Do you agree with both of them?
Well, theoretically, both of them are half right, but they both are missing 1 very important point. Take for example, you and your friend were playing badminton at the rooftop in a carpark, then suddenly, you smacked the shuttercock so hard that it hit your friend's face and he fell to his death. By that, have you broken the 1st of the 5 precepts? Abstain from killing and taking animals and people's life? You might feel guilty and think that it's all your fault and be afraid of what karma will do to you. Truthfully, karma only works when you do something intentionally. However, you should still have some compassion and loving-kindness and care for that person too.Therefore, KARMA WORKS ONLY WHEN YOU DO SOMETHING INTENTIONALLY.
Another point would be that karma won't only affect this life. It will also affect your future lifes and lifes after that. Therefore, it determines whether which of the 6 realms you'll be in your next life, will you be a deva(god)? Will you be a hugry ghost, an Asura(anti-devas) or in hell. Or even an animal or just stay as a human being for your next few lifes? Karma determines that.
With that, I end my blog post and thank you. :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

Friday, April 2, 2010

Hey Hey!!!!

today nothin to say one lar, juz type liddat lorhs, lol.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Oh, suffering world.......

Ouch! The pain! Regardless physically, or emotionally, this world is a suffering. There may be sudden surprises in life, shocks, or breakdowns. However, we should treasure this life to accumulate merits for for good deeds we do in this life, and live a wealthy one in the other, or even better, escape the painful cycle of Samsara... check this website out!

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